Source code for oda_api.data_products

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from builtins import (bytes, str, open, super, range,
                      zip, round, input, int, pow, object, map, zip)

__author__ = "Andrea Tramacere"

# Standard library
# eg copy
# absolute import rg:from copy import deepcopy

# Dependencies
# eg numpy
# absolute import eg: import numpy as np

# Project
# relative import eg: from .mod import f

import typing

from json_tricks import numpy_encode,dumps,loads,numeric_types_hook,hashodict,json_numpy_obj_hook
from import fits as pf
from import ascii as astropy_io_ascii
import json
from astropy.utils.misc import JsonCustomEncoder

from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy import units as u

import  numpy
import numpy as np
import  base64
import  pickle
import gzip
import  hashlib
from numpy import nan,inf
from sys import path_importer_cache, version_info

from io import StringIO, BytesIO
import imghdr
import os
import logging
from matplotlib import image as mpimg
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

logger = logging.getLogger('oda_api.data_products')



# these 3 functions are remnants of misusing repr() to serialize data instead of json
[docs] def sanitize_encoded(d): d = d.replace('null', 'None') d = d.replace('true', 'True') d = d.replace('false', 'False') d = d.replace('NaN', 'nan') d = d.replace('Infinity', 'inf') return d
def json_to_literal(d): d = d.replace('null', 'None') d = d.replace('true', 'True') d = d.replace('false', 'False') d = d.replace('NaN', 'nan') d = d.replace('Infinity', 'inf') return d def literal_to_json(d): d = d.replace('None', 'null') d = d.replace('True', 'true') d = d.replace('False', 'false') d = d.replace('nan', 'NaN') d = d.replace('inf', 'Infinity') return d
[docs] def _chekc_enc_data(data): if type(data)==list: _l=data else: _l=[data] return _l
[docs] class ODAAstropyTable(object): def __init__(self,table_object,name=None, meta_data={}): self.meta_data=meta_data self._table=table_object @property def table(self): return self._table
[docs] def write(self,file_name,format='fits',overwrite=True): self._table.write(file_name,format=format,overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def write_fits_file(self,file_name,overwrite=True): self.write(file_name,overwrite=overwrite,format='fits')
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_path, name=None, delimiter=None, format=None): _allowed_formats_=['ascii','ascii.ecsv','fits'] if format == 'fits': # print('==>',file_name) table =, format=format) elif format == 'ascii.ecsv' or format=='ascii': table =, format=format, delimiter=delimiter) else: raise RuntimeError('table format not understood, allowed',_allowed_formats_) meta = None if hasattr(table, 'meta'): meta = table.meta return cls(table, meta_data=meta, name=name)
[docs] def encode(self,use_binary=False,to_json = False): _o_dict = {} _o_dict['binary']=None _o_dict['ascii']=None if use_binary is True: _binarys = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(self.table, protocol=2)).decode('utf-8') _o_dict['binary'] = _binarys else: #with StringIO() as fh: fh=StringIO() self.table.write(fh, format='ascii.ecsv') _text = fh.getvalue() fh.close() _o_dict['ascii'] = _text _o_dict['name'] _o_dict['meta_data']=dumps(self.meta_data) if to_json == True: _o_dict=json.dumps(_o_dict) return _o_dict
[docs] @classmethod def decode(cls,o_dict,use_binary=False): if isinstance(o_dict, dict): _o_dict = o_dict elif isinstance(o_dict, str): _o_dict = json.loads(literal_to_json(o_dict)) else: raise RuntimeError('Wrong table structure') encoded_name = _o_dict['name'] encoded_meta_data = _o_dict['meta_data'] if use_binary is True: t_rec = base64.b64decode(_o_dict['binary']) try: t_rec = pickle.loads(t_rec) except: t_rec= pickle.loads(t_rec,encoding='latin') else: t_rec =['ascii']) return cls(t_rec,name=encoded_name,meta_data=encoded_meta_data)
[docs] class BinaryData(object): def __init__(self,file_path=None): self.file_path=file_path
[docs] def encode(self,file_path=None): if file_path==None: file_path=self.file_path _file_binary = open(file_path, 'rb').read() _file_b64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(_file_binary) _file_b64_md5 = hashlib.md5(_file_binary).hexdigest() return _file_b64,_file_b64_md5
[docs] def decode(self,encoded_obj): return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(encoded_obj.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
class BinaryProduct: # New implementation of binary data product. # The meaning of the methods is more in-line with the rest of the products def __init__(self, bin_data, name=None): self.bin_data = bin_data if name == 'None': name = None = name def encode(self): return { 'name':, 'data': base64.urlsafe_b64encode(self.bin_data).decode(), 'md5': hashlib.md5(self.bin_data).hexdigest() } @classmethod def decode(cls, encoded_obj): if not isinstance(encoded_obj, dict): encoded_obj = json.loads(encoded_obj) name = encoded_obj['name'] bin_data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(encoded_obj['data'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')) decoded_md5 = hashlib.md5(bin_data).hexdigest() assert decoded_md5 == encoded_obj['md5'] return cls(bin_data, name) def write_file(self, file_path): with open(file_path, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(self.bin_data) @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_path, name=None): with open(file_path, 'rb') as fd: bin_data = return cls(bin_data, name)
[docs] class NumpyDataUnit(object): def __init__(self, data, data_header={}, meta_data={}, hdu_type=None, name=None, units_dict=None): self._hdu_type_list_ = ['primary', 'image', 'table', 'bintable'] self._check_data(data) self._check_hdu_type(hdu_type) self._check_dict(data_header) self._check_dict(meta_data) self.header=data_header self.meta_data=meta_data self.hdu_type=hdu_type self.units_dict=units_dict @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name_value): if name_value is None: self._name = 'table' else: self._name = name_value # interface with a typo, preserving with a warning def _warn_chekc_typo(self): logger.debug('please _check_* instead of _chekc_* functions, they will be removed') def _chekc_data(self, data): self._warn_chekc_typo() return self._check_data(data) def _chekc_hdu_type(self,hdu_type): return self._check_hdu_type(hdu_type) def _chekc_dict(self, _kw): self._warn_chekc_typo() return self._check_dict(_kw) def _check_data(self,data): if isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray) or data is None: pass else: raise RuntimeError('data is not numpy ndarray object') def _check_hdu_type(self,hdu_type): if hdu_type is None: pass elif hdu_type in self._hdu_type_list_: pass else: raise RuntimeError('hdu type ', hdu_type, 'not in allowed', self._hdu_type_list_) def _check_dict(self,_kw): if isinstance(_kw, dict): pass else: raise RuntimeError('object is not not dict')
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits_hdu(cls,hdu,name=None): if name is None or name == '': return cls(, data_header={k:v for k, v in hdu.header.items()}, hdu_type=cls._map_hdu_type(hdu),name=name)
[docs] def to_fits_hdu(self): try: logger.debug('------------------------------') logger.debug('inside to_fits_hdu methods') logger.debug(f'name: {}') logger.debug(f'header: {self.header}') logger.debug(f'data: {}') logger.debug(f'units_dict: {self.units_dict}') logger.debug(f'hdu_type: {self.hdu_type}') logger.debug('------------------------------') for k,v in self.header.items(): if isinstance(v, list): s='' for l in v: s+='%s,'%str(l) self.header[k] = s #unicode(",".join(map(str,v))) return self.new_hdu_from_data(, header=pf.header.Header(self.header), hdu_type=self.hdu_type,units_dict=self.units_dict) except Exception as e: raise Exception("an exception occurred in oda_api when binary products are formatted to fits header: " + repr(e))
@staticmethod def _map_hdu_type(hdu): _t='' if isinstance(hdu,pf.PrimaryHDU): _t= 'primary' elif isinstance(hdu,pf.ImageHDU): _t = 'image' elif isinstance(hdu, pf.BinTableHDU): _t = 'bintable' elif isinstance(hdu, pf.TableHDU): _t = 'table' else: raise RuntimeError('hdu type not understood') #print('_t',_t) return _t
[docs] def new_hdu_from_data(self,data,hdu_type, header=None,units_dict=None): self._chekc_hdu_type(hdu_type) if hdu_type=='primary': h = pf.PrimaryHDU elif hdu_type=='image': h = pf.ImageHDU elif hdu_type == 'bintable': h = pf.BinTableHDU elif hdu_type == 'table': h = pf.TableHDU else: raise RuntimeError('hdu type ', hdu_type, 'not in allowed', self._hdu_type_list_) _h=h(data=data, header=header) if units_dict is not None: for k in units_dict.keys(): _h.columns.change_unit(k,units_dict[k]) self.header=dict(_h.header) return _h
@staticmethod def _eval_dt(dt): #print('dt', type(dt), dt) try: dt = numpy.dtype(dt) except: dt = eval(dt) #print('dt', type(dt), dt) return dt
[docs] def encode(self,use_pickle=False,use_gzip=False,to_json=False): _data = [] _meata_d=[] _kw_d = [] _d = None _dt = None _binarys = None if is not None: _dt= numpy_encode(numpy.array(['dtype'] if use_pickle is True: if isinstance(, pickled_data = pickle.dumps( else: pickled_data = pickle.dumps(numpy.array( if use_gzip==True: out_file = StringIO(pickled_data) gzip_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=out_file, mode='wb') gzip_file.write(pickled_data) _binarys = base64.b64encode(out_file.getvalue()) gzip_file.close() else: _binarys= base64.b64encode( pickled_data ) _binarys = _binarys.decode() else: _d= json.dumps(, cls=JsonCustomEncoder) _o_dict = {'data': _d, 'dt': _dt, 'name':, 'header': self.header, 'binarys': _binarys, 'meta_data': self.meta_data, 'hdu_type': self.hdu_type, 'units_dict': self.units_dict} if to_json: _o_dict_json = json.dumps(_o_dict) return _o_dict_json return _o_dict
[docs] @classmethod def decode(cls,encoded_obj,use_gzip=False,from_json=False): #encoded_obj=eval(encoded_obj) #encoded_obj=json.loads(encoded_obj) #print('-->encoded_obj',type(encoded_obj)) if from_json == False: try: encoded_obj = json.loads(encoded_obj) except: pass encoded_data = encoded_obj['data'] encoded_dt=encoded_obj['dt'] encoded_header = encoded_obj['header'] encoded_meta_data=encoded_obj['meta_data'] _name=encoded_obj['name'] _hdu_type=encoded_obj['hdu_type'] _binarys=encoded_obj['binarys'] _units_dict = encoded_obj.get('units_dict') if _binarys is not None: #print('dec ->', type(_binarys)) in_file = StringIO() _binarys = base64.b64decode(_binarys) if use_gzip ==True: in_file.write(_binarys) gzip_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=in_file, mode='rb') _data = _data = _data.decode('utf-8') _data = pickle.loads(_data) gzip_file.close() else: if version_info[0] > 2: _data = pickle.loads(_binarys,encoding='bytes') else: _data = pickle.loads(_binarys) elif encoded_data is not None: encoded_data=eval(encoded_data) # !! for ID,c in enumerate(encoded_data): encoded_data[ID]=tuple(c) _data=numpy.asanyarray(encoded_data,dtype=cls._eval_dt(encoded_dt)) else: _data=None return cls(data=_data, data_header=encoded_header, meta_data=encoded_meta_data,name=_name,hdu_type=_hdu_type, units_dict=_units_dict)
@classmethod def from_pandas(cls, pandas_dataframe, name = None, column_names=[], units_dict={}, meta_data = {}, data_header = {}): if column_names and type(column_names) == list: pandas_dataframe = pandas_dataframe.loc[:, column_names] elif column_names and type(column_names) == dict: pandas_dataframe = pandas_dataframe.loc[:, column_names.keys()] pandas_dataframe.rename(columns=column_names, inplace=True) rec_array = pandas_dataframe.to_records(index=False) return cls(data = rec_array, name=name, units_dict = units_dict, meta_data = meta_data, data_header = data_header, hdu_type = 'bintable')
[docs] class NumpyDataProduct(object): def __init__(self, data_unit, name=None, meta_data={}): self.data_unit=self._seta_data(data_unit) self._chekc_dict(meta_data) self.meta_data=meta_data
[docs] def show(self): print('------------------------------') print('name:', print('meta_data',self.meta_data.keys()) print ('number of data units',len(self.data_unit)) print ('------------------------------') for ID,du in enumerate(self.data_unit): print('data uniti',ID,',name:',
[docs] def show_meta(self): print('------------------------------') for k,v in self.meta_data.items(): print(k,':',v) print ('------------------------------')
[docs] def get_data_unit(self, ID: int) -> NumpyDataUnit: try: return self.data_unit[ID] except IndexError as e: raise RuntimeError(f"problem get_data_unit ID:{ID} in self.data_unit:{self.data_unit}")
[docs] def get_data_unit_by_name(self, name: str) -> typing.Union[NumpyDataUnit, None]: _du = None for du in self.data_unit: if == name: if _du is not None: print(f"\033[31mWARNING: get_data_unit_by_name found multiple du for name {name}\033[0m") _du = du print('--> NAME', if _du is None: found_names = '; '.join([ str( + ":" + repr(du) for _du in self.data_unit ]) print(f"\033[31mWARNING: get_data_unit_by_name found no du for name {name}, have {found_names}\033[0m") return _du
def _seta_data(self,data): if type(data) == list: _dl = data else: _dl = [data] for ID, _d in enumerate(_dl): if isinstance(_d, NumpyDataUnit): pass else: raise RuntimeError ('DataUnit not valid') return _dl def _chekc_enc_data(self,data): return _chekc_enc_data(data) def _chekc_dict(self,_kw): if isinstance(_kw, dict): pass else: raise RuntimeError('object is not not dict')
[docs] def encode(self, use_pickle=True, use_gzip=False, to_json=False): _enc = [] for ID, data_unit in enumerate(self.data_unit): _enc.append( data_unit.encode( use_pickle=use_pickle, use_gzip=use_gzip ) ) _o_dict={'data_unit_list':_enc,'name','meta_data':dumps(self.meta_data)} if to_json==True: return json.dumps(_o_dict) return _o_dict
[docs] def to_fits_hdu_list(self): _hdul=pf.HDUList() for ID,_d in enumerate(self.data_unit): _hdul.append(_d.to_fits_hdu()) return _hdul
[docs] def write_fits_file(self,filename,overwrite=True): self.to_fits_hdu_list().writeto(filename,overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits_file(cls,filename,ext=None,hdu_name=None,meta_data={},name=''): if ext is not None: hdul=[hdul[ext]] if hdu_name is not None: _hdul=[] for hdu in hdul: if == hdu_name: _hdul.append(hdu) hdul=_hdul return cls(data_unit=[NumpyDataUnit.from_fits_hdu(h) for h in hdul],meta_data=meta_data,name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def decode(cls, encoded_obj: typing.Union[str, dict], from_json=False): if encoded_obj is not None: # from_json has the opposite meaning of what the name implies obj_dict: dict if from_json: if isinstance(encoded_obj, dict): obj_dict = encoded_obj else: logger.warning('decoding from unexpected object') obj_dict = encoded_obj # type: ignore else: if isinstance(encoded_obj, dict): obj_dict = encoded_obj else: logger.warning('decoding from unexpected object') try: obj_dict = json.loads(literal_to_json(encoded_obj)) except Exception as e: logger.debug('unable to decode json object: %s', e) # why not raise here? encoded_data_unit_list = obj_dict['data_unit_list'] encoded_name = obj_dict['name'] encoded_meta_data = obj_dict['meta_data'] _data_unit_list=[] #print('encoded_data_unit_list',encoded_data_unit_list) for enc_data_unit in encoded_data_unit_list: _data_unit_list.append(NumpyDataUnit.decode(enc_data_unit,from_json=False)) else: _data_unit_list=[] encoded_name=None encoded_meta_data={} return cls(data_unit=_data_unit_list,name=encoded_name,meta_data=eval(encoded_meta_data))
[docs] class ApiCatalog(object): def __init__(self,cat_dict,name=None): _skip_list=['meta_ID'] meta = {} lon_name = None if 'cat_lon_name' in cat_dict.keys(): lon_name = cat_dict['cat_lon_name'] lat_name = None if 'cat_lat_name' in cat_dict.keys(): lat_name = cat_dict['cat_lat_name'] frame = None if 'cat_frame' in cat_dict.keys(): frame = cat_dict['cat_frame'] coord_units = None if 'cat_coord_units' in cat_dict.keys(): coord_units = cat_dict['cat_coord_units'] if 'cat_meta' in cat_dict.keys(): cat_meta_entry = cat_dict['cat_meta'] meta.update(cat_meta_entry) meta['FRAME'] = frame meta['COORD_UNIT'] = coord_units meta['LON_NAME'] = lon_name meta['LAT_NAME'] = lat_name self.table =Table(cat_dict['cat_column_list'], names=cat_dict['cat_column_names'],meta=meta) if coord_units is not None: self.table[lon_name]=Angle(self.table[lon_name],unit=coord_units) self.table[lat_name]=Angle(self.table[lat_name],unit=coord_units) self.lat_name=lat_name self.lon_name=lon_name
[docs] def get_api_dictionary(self ): column_lists=[self.table[name].tolist() for name in self.table.colnames] for ID,_col in enumerate(column_lists): column_lists[ID] = [x if str(x)!='nan' else None for x in _col] return json.dumps(dict(cat_frame=self.table.meta['FRAME'], cat_coord_units=self.table.meta['COORD_UNIT'], cat_column_list=column_lists, cat_column_names=self.table.colnames, cat_column_descr=self.table.dtype.descr, cat_lat_name=self.lat_name, cat_lon_name=self.lon_name))
class GWEventContours: def __init__(self, event_contour_dict, name='') -> None: self._contour_dict = event_contour_dict = name self.levels = event_contour_dict['levels'] self.contours = event_contour_dict['contours'] class GWContoursDataProduct: def __init__(self, contours_dict: dict) -> None: self._cont_data = contours_dict self.event_list = list(self._cont_data.keys()) self.contours = {} for key, val in self._cont_data.items(): self.contours[key] = GWEventContours(val, name = key) setattr(self, key, self.contours[key]) class LightCurveDataProduct(NumpyDataProduct): @classmethod def from_arrays(cls, times, fluxes = None, magnitudes = None, rates = None, counts = None, errors = None, units_spec = {}, # TODO: not used yet time_format = None, name = None): data_header = {} meta_data = {} # meta data could be attached to both NumpyDataUnit and NumpyDataProduct. Decide on this if (fluxes is not None) + (magnitudes is not None) + (rates is not None) + (counts is not None) != 1: raise ValueError('Only one type of values should be set') elif fluxes is not None: col_name = 'FLUX' values = fluxes elif magnitudes is not None: col_name = 'MAG' values = magnitudes elif rates is not None: col_name = 'RATE' values = rates elif counts is not None: col_name = 'COUNTS' values = counts else: raise ValueError('One of fluxes/magnitudes/rates/counts arguments is required') if len(values) != len(times): raise ValueError(f'Value column length {len(values)} do not coincide with time {len(times)} column length') if errors is not None and len(errors) != len(times): raise ValueError('Error column length do not coincide with time column length') # TODO: possibility for other time units # TODO: add time-related keywords to header (OGIP) units_dict = {'TIME': 'd'} if any(isinstance(x, astropy.time.Time) for x in times): times = astropy.time.Time(times) if isinstance(times, astropy.time.Time): mjd = times.mjd elif time_format is not None: atimes = astropy.time.Time(times, format=time_format) # NOTE: do we assume paticular scale? mjd = atimes.mjd else: atimes = astropy.time.Time(times) mjd = atimes.mjd if any(isinstance(x, u.Quantity) for x in values): values = u.Quantity(values) if isinstance(values, u.Quantity): units_dict[col_name] = values.unit.to_string(format='OGIP') values = values.value if errors is not None and any(isinstance(x, u.Quantity) for x in errors): errors = u.Quantity(errors) if errors is not None and isinstance(errors, u.Quantity): units_dict['ERROR'] = errors.unit.to_string(format='OGIP') errors = errors.value rec_array = np.core.records.fromarrays([mjd, values, errors], names=('TIME', col_name, 'ERROR')) return cls([NumpyDataUnit(data=np.array([]), name = 'PRIMARY', hdu_type = 'primary'), NumpyDataUnit(data = rec_array, units_dict = units_dict, meta_data = meta_data, data_header = data_header, hdu_type = 'bintable', name = 'LC')], name = name) class PictureProduct: def __init__(self, binary_data, name=None, metadata={}, file_path=None, write_on_creation = False): self.binary_data = binary_data self.metadata = metadata = name if file_path is not None and os.path.isfile(file_path): self.file_path = file_path'Image file {file_path} already exist. No automatical rewriting.') elif write_on_creation: self.write_file(file_path) else: self.file_path = None byte_stream = BytesIO(binary_data) tp = imghdr.what(byte_stream) if tp is None: raise ValueError('Provided data is not an image') self.img_type = tp @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_path, name=None): with open(file_path, 'rb') as fd: binary_data = return cls(binary_data, name=name, file_path=file_path) def write_file(self, file_path):'Creating image file {file_path}.') with open(file_path, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(self.binary_data) self.file_path = file_path def encode(self): b64data = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(self.binary_data) output_dict = {} output_dict['img_type'] = self.img_type output_dict['b64data'] = b64data.decode() output_dict['metadata'] = self.metadata output_dict['name'] = if self.file_path: output_dict['filename'] = os.path.basename(self.file_path) return output_dict @classmethod def decode(cls, encoded_data, write_on_creation = False): if isinstance(encoded_data, dict): _encoded_data = encoded_data else: _encoded_data = json.loads(encoded_data) binary_data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(_encoded_data['b64data'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')) return cls(binary_data, metadata = _encoded_data['metadata'], file_path = _encoded_data.get('filename'), name = _encoded_data.get('name'), write_on_creation = write_on_creation) def show(self): byte_stream = BytesIO(self.binary_data) image = mpimg.imread(byte_stream) plt.imshow(image) plt.axis('off') class ImageDataProduct(NumpyDataProduct): @classmethod def from_fits_file(cls,filename,ext=None,hdu_name=None,meta_data={},name=None): npdp = super().from_fits_file(filename,ext=ext,hdu_name=hdu_name,meta_data=meta_data,name=name) contains_image = cls.check_contains_image(npdp) if contains_image: return npdp else: raise ValueError(f'FITS file {filename} doesn\'t contain image data.') @staticmethod def check_contains_image(numpy_data_prod): for hdu in numpy_data_prod.data_unit: if hdu.hdu_type in ['primary', 'image']: try: wcs = WCS(hdu.header) return True except: pass return False class TextLikeProduct: def __init__(self, value, name=None, meta_data={}): self.value = value = name self.meta_data = meta_data def encode(self): return {'name':, 'value': self.value, 'meta_data': self.meta_data} @classmethod def decode(cls, encoded): if not isinstance(encoded, dict): encoded = json.loads(encoded) return cls(name=encoded.get('name'), value=encoded['value'], meta_data=encoded.get('meta_data', {})) def __repr__(self): return self.encode().__repr__()