Example of asynchronous requests (v > 1.1)#

  • The scope of this example is to show how to request several products together so that internal resource usage is maximized

  • We extract the spectrum of the Crab in groups of ‘nscw’ science windows for each year from ‘start_year’ to ‘stop_year’ included

  • We use a token provided by the web interface to receive dedicated emails

  • We optionally show how to fit the spectra with a broken power law using xspec

#A few input parameters
systematic_fraction = 0.01

Token authentication#

  • You can provide a valid token as explained in the ‘Authentication’ example or skip the following cell and continue anonymously

import getpass
token = getpass.getpass('Insert the token')
Insert the token········
# To know details of the token
import oda_api.token
{'sub': 'Carlo.Ferrigno@unige.ch',
 'email': 'Carlo.Ferrigno@unige.ch',
 'name': 'cferrigno',
 'roles': 'authenticated user, administrator, content manager, general, integral-private-qla, magic, unige-hpc-full, public-pool-hpc, antares, sdss',
 'exp': 1631110932}
#We hardcode a catalog for the Crab
    "cat_frame": "fk5",
    "cat_coord_units": "deg",
    "cat_column_list": [
        [0, 7],
        ["1A 0535+262", "Crab"],
        [125.4826889038086, 1358.7255859375],
        [84.72280883789062, 83.63166809082031],
        [26.312734603881836, 22.016284942626953],
        [-32768, -32768],
        [2, 2],
        [0, 0],
        [0.0002800000074785203, 0.0002800000074785203]],
    "cat_column_names": [
            ["meta_ID", "<i8"],
            ["src_names", "<U11"],
            ["significance", "<f8"],
            ["ra", "<f8"],
            ["dec", "<f8"],
            ["NEW_SOURCE", "<i8"],
            ["ISGRI_FLAG", "<i8"],
            ["FLAG", "<i8"],
            ["ERR_RAD", "<f8"]
    "cat_lat_name": "dec",
    "cat_lon_name": "ra"

Let’s get some logging#

This is to help visualizing the progress.

  • WARNING is the default level

  • INFO writes some more information

  • DEBUG is maily for developers and issue tracking

import logging
#slightly more verbose
#all messages


Different instances of the platform#

the general user will use the ‘production’ one, the other one is for internal testing


import numpy as np import json import oda_api.api import oda_api from pkg_resources import parse_version assert parse_version(oda_api.__version__) > parse_version("1.1.0") def dispatcher(_oda_platform='production'): disp = oda_api.api.DispatcherAPI( url = { 'staging' : 'http://dispatcher.staging.internal.odahub.io', 'production': 'https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data', }[_oda_platform] ) disp.get_instrument_description("isgri") return disp disp = dispatcher('production')

query_name: src_query
 name: src_name,  value: test,  units: str,
 name: RA,  value: 0.0,  units: deg,
 name: DEC,  value: 0.0,  units: deg,
 name: T1,  value: 2001-12-11T00:00:00.000,  units: None,
 name: T2,  value: 2001-12-11T00:00:00.000,  units: None,
 name: token,  value: None,  units: str,

query_name: isgri_parameters
 name: user_catalog,  value: None,  units: str,
 name: scw_list,  value: [],  units: names_list,
 name: selected_catalog,  value: None,  units: str,
 name: radius,  value: 5.0,  units: deg,
 name: max_pointings,  value: 50,  units: None,
 name: osa_version,  value: None,  units: str,
 name: integral_data_rights,  value: public,  units: str,
 name: E1_keV,  value: 15.0,  units: keV,
 name: E2_keV,  value: 40.0,  units: keV,

query_name: isgri_image_query
 product_name: isgri_image
 name: detection_threshold,  value: 0.0,  units: sigma,
 name: image_scale_min,  value: None,  units: None,
 name: image_scale_max,  value: None,  units: None,

query_name: isgri_spectrum_query
 product_name: isgri_spectrum

query_name: isgri_lc_query
 product_name: isgri_lc
 name: time_bin,  value: 1000.0,  units: sec,

query_name: spectral_fit_query
 product_name: spectral_fit
 name: xspec_model,  value: powerlaw,  units: str,
 name: ph_file_name,  value: ,  units: str,
 name: arf_file_name,  value: ,  units: str,
 name: rmf_file_name,  value: ,  units: str,
  • Here, we collect and spectra for each year in a random sample of nscw=10 science windows

  • We use the hard-coded catalog.

  • note that we make a loop and submit the jobs without waiting for their completion

  • at each loop, we test if they completed and we count how many have finished

  • we continue to poll the dispatcher for unfinished jobs and we terminate the loop when all are done

  • In this way, we let the platform optimize our requests

  • There will be a convenience function in future versions of oda_api for this purpose


disp_by_ys = {}
data_by_ys = {}

par_dict = {"RA": "83.63166809082031",
            "DEC": "22.016284942626953",
            "radius": "10",
          'product': 'isgri_spectrum',
          'osa_version' : osa_version,
          'product_type': 'Real',
            'max_pointings': nscw,
          'selected_catalog' : json.dumps(api_cat)}

# Should you need to access private data, just add this option
#,"integral_data_rights": "all-private"}

if token != '':
    par_dict.update({'token': token})

while True:

    for year in range(start_year, end_year+1):


        par_dict.update({'T1': T1_utc,
                        'T2': T2_utc})

        if year >= 2016:

        #Just renaiming for a general dictionary key
        ys = year

        # We start one dipatcher for each job,
        # they will run in parallel until products are ready
        if ys not in disp_by_ys:
            disp_by_ys[ys] = oda_api.api.DispatcherAPI(url=disp.url, wait=False) #Note the flag wait=False

        _disp = disp_by_ys[ys]

        data = data_by_ys.get(ys, None)

        if data is None and not _disp.is_failed:

            #We submit or we poll
            if not _disp.is_submitted:
                data = _disp.get_product(**par_dict)

            print("Is complete ", _disp.is_complete)
            # We retrieve data
            if not _disp.is_complete:
                data = _disp.get_product(**par_dict)
                data_by_ys[ys] = data


    n_complete = len([ year for year, _disp in disp_by_ys.items() if _disp.is_complete ])
    print(f"complete {n_complete} / {len(disp_by_ys)}")
    if n_complete == len(disp_by_ys):
    print("not done")

2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:52:30), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef

... query status prepared => submitted
... assigned job id: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 22 seconds (23/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
non-waiting dispatcher: terminating

query not complete, please poll again later
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:52:53), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917

... query status prepared => submitted
... assigned job id: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 27 seconds (27/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
non-waiting dispatcher: terminating

query not complete, please poll again later
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:53:21), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c

... query status prepared => submitted
... assigned job id: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 6 seconds (6.6/6.6); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
non-waiting dispatcher: terminating

query not complete, please poll again later
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:53:28), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 63 seconds (14/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:53:33), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 45 seconds (17/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:53:39), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 23 seconds (6.3/6.6); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:53:45), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 80 seconds (11/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:53:50), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 62 seconds (13/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:53:55), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 56 seconds (12/22); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:54:17), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 \ the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 130 seconds (14/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:54:40), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 \ the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 113 seconds (11/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:54:46), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 \ the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 90 seconds (10/22); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:54:52), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 160 seconds (15/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:55:11), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 143 seconds (10/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:55:16), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 121 seconds (9.2/22); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:55:22), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 177 seconds (13/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:55:28), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 160 seconds (9.4/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:55:34), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 138 seconds (8.6/22); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:55:40), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 195 seconds (12/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:55:45), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 177 seconds (8.9/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:55:51), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 155 seconds (8.1/22); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:55:56), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 \ the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 227 seconds (13/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:56:18), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 \ the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 210 seconds (8.5/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:56:24), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 \ the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 188 seconds (7.9/22); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:56:30), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 246 seconds (13/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:56:36), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 228 seconds (8.2/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:56:42), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 206 seconds (7.7/22); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:56:48), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 263 seconds (12/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:56:53), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 246 seconds (8/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:57:00), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 224 seconds (7.5/22); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:57:06), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=be2375ee in 0 messages since 281 seconds (11/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:57:11), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=5ebc852a in 0 messages since 262 seconds (7.7/27); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:57:16), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 240 seconds (7.3/22); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:57:22), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 0 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef

... query status submitted => done
Is complete  True
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:57:36), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
session: CHSJDFEI89QXQBX8 job: be2375ee6e04c3ef

... query status prepared => done
... assigned job id: be2375ee6e04c3ef
non-waiting dispatcher: terminating
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:57:51), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917

... query status submitted => done
Is complete  True
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:58:06), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
session: KITDUODRMMKQLUK9 job: 5ebc852ab66d5917

... query status prepared => done
... assigned job id: 5ebc852ab66d5917
non-waiting dispatcher: terminating
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:58:20), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 \ the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 304 seconds (7.2/22); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:58:26), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 2 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 327 seconds (8.4/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:58:49), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 2 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 333 seconds (8.3/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:58:55), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 2 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 339 seconds (8.1/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:59:01), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 2 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
 \ the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=f9db3b07 in 0 messages since 345 seconds (7.9/23); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:59:06), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
Is complete  False
complete 2 / 3
not done
2004-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2004-12-31T23:59:59.0
2005-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2005-12-31T23:59:59.0
2006-01-01T00:00:00.0 - 2006-12-31T23:59:59.0
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c

... query status submitted => done
Is complete  True
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-08-31 17:59:21), please wait for https://www.astro.unige.ch/mmoda/dispatch-data/run_analysis
session: LZ9F8KABFTBZEW8Y job: f9db3b072b6ffe3c

... query status prepared => done
... assigned job id: f9db3b072b6ffe3c
non-waiting dispatcher: terminating
complete 3 / 3

Elaboration example#

  • This part saves the spectra in fits files and updates some keywords

from astropy.io import fits
# This part saves the spectra in fits files and updates some keywords
for year, data in data_by_ys.items():
    for ID,s in enumerate(data._p_list):
        if (s.meta_data['src_name']==source_name):

    print(ID_spec, ID_arf, ID_rmf)

    hdul = fits.open(specname, mode='update')
    hdul[1].header.set('EXPOSURE', expos)

3 4 5
3 4 5
3 4 5

Elaboration 2#

  • If xspec is available, we make a fit of each spectrum


    import xspec
    import shutil
    from IPython.display import Image
    from IPython.display import display

    xspec.Fit.statMethod = "chi"

    #init dictionaries



    for year in range(start_year,end_year+1):

        for c_emin in low_energies: #np.linspace(17,40,5):




            s = xspec.AllData(1)

            isgri = xspec.AllModels(1)



            print("ISGRI ignore: "+ ig)

            #Key for output
            lt_key='%d_%.10lg'%(year, c_emin)



            isgri.bknpower.norm = "1,-1"
            isgri.bknpower.PhoIndx1 = "2.0,.01,1.,1.,3.,3."
            isgri.bknpower.PhoIndx2 = "2.2,.01,1.,1.,3.,3."
            isgri.bknpower.BreakE = "100,-1,20,20,300,300"

            isgri.bknpower.BreakE.frozen = freeze_pow_ebreak  > 0


            max_chi=np.ceil(xspec.Fit.statistic / xspec.Fit.dof)

            xspec.Fit.error("1.0 max %.1f 1-%d"%(max_chi,m1.nParameters))


            for i in range(1,m1.nParameters+1):
                if (not isgri(i).frozen) and (not bool(isgri(i).link)):
                    #use the name plus position because there could be parameters with same name from multiple
                    #model components (e.g., several gaussians)
                    print(isgri(i).name, "%.2f"%(isgri(i).values[0]), isgri(i).frozen,bool(isgri(i).link) )
                    fit_by_lt[lt_key][isgri(i).name+"_%02d"%(i)]=[ isgri(i).values[0], isgri(i).error[0], isgri(i).error[1] ]

            #xspec.Plot.addCommand("setplot en")
            xspec.Plot("ldata del")

            fit_by_lt[lt_key]['plot_fname'] = fn

            shutil.move("pgplot.png_2", fn)


except ImportError:
    print("no problem!")
Default fit statistic is set to: Chi-Squared
   This will apply to all current and newly loaded spectra.
 Model systematic error set to 0

Model cflux<1>*bknpower<2> Source No.: 1   Active/Off
Model Model Component  Parameter  Unit     Value
 par  comp
   1    1   cflux      Emin       keV      0.500000     frozen
   2    1   cflux      Emax       keV      10.0000      frozen
   3    1   cflux      lg10Flux   cgs      -12.0000     +/-  0.0
   4    2   bknpower   PhoIndx1            1.00000      +/-  0.0
   5    2   bknpower   BreakE     keV      5.00000      +/-  0.0
   6    2   bknpower   PhoIndx2            2.00000      +/-  0.0
   7    2   bknpower   norm                1.00000      +/-  0.0

Warning: RMF CHANTYPE keyword (PHA) is not consistent with that from spectrum (PI)

1 spectrum  in use

Spectral Data File: Crab_2004_spectrum.fits  Spectrum 1
Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1  -nanISGRI ignore: **-20.00,500.-**
      +/- -nan
 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1
  Noticed Channels:  1-62
  Telescope: INTEGRAL Instrument: IBIS  Channel Type: PI
  Exposure Time: 1.277e+04 sec
 Using fit statistic: chi
 Using Response (RMF) File            Crab_2004_rmf.fits.gz for Source 1
 Using Auxiliary Response (ARF) File  Crab_2004_arf.fits.gz

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 62 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 62 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

ignore:     1 channels ignored from  source number 1
Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 61 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 61 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

     2 channels (61-62) ignored in spectrum #     1

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 59 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 59 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

     8 channels (1-8) ignored in spectrum #     1
     2 channels (61-62) ignored in spectrum #     1

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                16610.24     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                16610.24     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 47 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                16610.24     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Sqlg10Fluxuared                16610.24     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 48 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                16610.24     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                16610.24     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 48 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                17625.68     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                17625.68     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 48 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                16824.81     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                16824.81     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 49 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.
 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow  renormalization
Chi-Squared  |beta|/N    Lvl    3:lg10Flux    4:PhoIndx1    6:PhoIndx2
1223.69      27995.4      -3      -7.79892       2.09392       2.34579
43.6611      11589.6      -4      -7.83234       2.06677       2.31150
41.3724      459.142      -5      -7.83389       2.06456       2.31103
41.3723      3.36647      -6      -7.83390       2.06455       2.31103
 Variances and Principal Axes
                 3        4        6
 1.1051E-06|  0.9998  -0.0191  -0.0077
 2.3880E-05|  0.0195   0.9980   0.0597
 1.4345E-03| -0.0065   0.0599  -0.9982

  Covariance Matrix
        1           2           3
   1.175e-06  -1.148e-07   9.347e-06
  -1.148e-07   2.893e-05  -8.430e-05
   9.347e-06  -8.430e-05   1.429e-03

Model cflux<1>*bknpower<2> Source No.: 1   Active/On
Model Model Component  Parameter  Unit     Value
 par  comp
   1    1   cflux      Emin       keV      20.0000      frozen
   2    1   cflux      Emax       keV      80.0000      frozen
   3    1   cflux      lg10Flux   cgs      -7.83390     +/-  1.08378E-03
   4    2   bknpower   PhoIndx1            2.06455      +/-  5.37847E-03
   5    2   bknpower   BreakE     keV      100.000      frozen
   6    2   bknpower   PhoIndx2            2.31103      +/-  3.78077E-02
   7    2   bknpower   norm                1.00000      frozen

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                   41.37     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                   41.37     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 7.72e-01 with 49 degrees of freedom
  parameter 5 is already frozen.
 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow  renormalization
Chi-Squared  |beta|/N    Lvl    3:lg10Flux    4:PhoIndx1    6:PhoIndx2
41.3723      0.0183563    -3      -7.83390       2.06455       2.31103
 Variances and Principal Axes
                 3        4        6
 1.1051E-06|  0.9998  -0.0191  -0.0077
 2.3882E-05|  0.0195   0.9980   0.0597
 1.4346E-03| -0.0065   0.0599  -0.9982

  Covariance Matrix
        1           2           3
   1.175e-06  -1.148e-07   9.347e-06
  -1.148e-07   2.893e-05  -8.431e-05
   9.347e-06  -8.431e-05   1.429e-03

Model cflux<1>*bknpower<2> Source No.: 1   Active/On
Model Model Component  Parameter  Unit     Value
 par  comp
   1    1   cflux      Emin       keV      20.0000      frozen
   2    1   cflux      Emax       keV      80.0000      frozen
   3    1   cflux      lg10Flux   cgs      -7. 83390     +/-  1.08381E-03
   4    2   bknpower   PhoIndx1            2.06455      +/-  5.37861E-03
   5    2   bknpower   BreakE     keV      100.000      frozen
   6    2   bknpower   PhoIndx2            2.31103      +/-  3.78086E-02
   7    2   bknpower   norm                1.00000      frozen

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                   41.37     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                   41.37     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 7.72e-01 with 49 degrees of freedom
*** Parameter 1 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
*** Parameter 2 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
*** Parameter 5 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
*** Parameter 7 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
 Parameter   Confidence Range (-7.83 False False
PhoIndx1 2.06 False False
PhoIndx2 2.31 False False
     3     -7.83499     -7.83281    (-0.0010919,0.00108657)
     4      2.05918      2.06992    (-0.00536723,0.00537103)
     6      2.27383      2.34882    (-0.0372053,0.0377893)
***Warning: POISSERR keyword is missing or of wrong format, assuming FALSE.
PGPLOT /png: writing new file as pgplot.png_2

Model cflux<1>*bknpower<2> Source No.: 1   Active/Off
Model Model Component  Parameter  Unit     Value
 par  comp
   1    1   cflux      Emin       keV      0.500000     frozen
   2    1   cflux      Emax       keV      10.0000      frozen
   3    1   cflux      lg10Flux   cgs      -12.0000     +/-  0.0
   4    2   bknpower   PhoIndx1            1.00000      +/-  0.0
   5    2   bknpower   BreakE     keV      5.00000      +/-  0.0
   6    2   bknpower   PhoIndx2            2.00000      +/-  0.0
   7    2   bknpower   norm                1.00000      +/-  0.0

Warning: RMF CHANTYPE keyword (PHA) is not consistent with that from spectrum (PI)

1 spectrum  in use

Spectral Data File: Crab_2005_spectrum.fits  Spectrum 1
Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1  -nan      +/- -nan
 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1
  Noticed Channels:  1-62
  Telescope: INTEGRAL Instrument: IBIS  Channel Type: PI
  Exposure Time: 1.879e+04 sec
 Using fit statistic: chi
 Using Response (RISGRI ignore: **-20.00,500.-**MF) File            Crab_2005_rmf.fits.gz for Source 1
 Using Auxiliary Response (ARF) File  Crab_2005_arf.fits.gz

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 62 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 62 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

ignore:     1 channels ignored from  source number 1
Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 61 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 61 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

     2 channels (61-62) ignored in spectrum #     1

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 59 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 59 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

***Warning: POISSERR keyword is missing or of wrong format, assuming FALSE.
     8 channels (1-8) ignored in spectrum #     1
     2 channels (61-62) ignored in spectrum #     1

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                19542.13     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                19542.13     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 47 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                19542.13     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Sqlg10Flux -7.82 False False
PhoIndx1 2.19 False False
PhoIndx2 2.47 False False
uared                19542.13     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 48 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                19542.13     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                19542.13     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 48 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                20464.06     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                20464.06     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 48 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                19707.72     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                19707.72     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 49 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.
 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow  renormalization
Chi-Squared  |beta|/N    Lvl    3:lg10Flux    4:PhoIndx1    6:PhoIndx2
2262.53      29389.4      -3      -7.77822       2.28458       2.48308
237.783      14465.1      -4      -7.81808       2.19880       2.46927
231.336      673.729      -5      -7.82039       2.19156       2.47344
231.336      5.96194      -6      -7.82041       2.19156       2.47344
 Variances and Principal Axes
                 3        4        6
 1.0358E-06|  0.9990  -0.0435  -0.0093
 2.1151E-05| -0.0440  -0.9969  -0.0657
 1.1917E-03|  0.0064  -0.0660   0.9978

  Covariance Matrix
        1           2           3
   1.124e-06   3.785e-07   7.668e-06
   3.785e-07   2.621e-05  -7.709e-05
   7.668e-06  -7.709e-05   1.187e-03

Model cflux<1>*bknpower<2> Source No.: 1   Active/On
Model Model Component  Parameter  Unit     Value
 par  comp
   1    1   cflux      Emin       keV      20.0000      frozen
   2    1   cflux      Emax       keV      80.0000      frozen
   3    1   cflux      lg10Flux   cgs      -7.82041     +/-  1.05997E-03
   4    2   bknpower   PhoIndx1            2.19156      +/-  5.11975E-03
   5    2   bknpower   BreakE     keV      100.000      frozen
   6    2   bknpower   PhoIndx2            2.47344      +/-  3.44470E-02
   7    2   bknpower   norm                1.00000      frozen

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                  231.34     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                  231.34     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 1.77e-25 with 49 degrees of freedom
  parameter 5 is already frozen.
 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow  renormalization
Chi-Squared  |beta
PGPLOT /png: writing new file as pgplot.png_2
***Warning: POISSERR keyword is missing or of wrong format, assuming FALSE.
|/N    Lvl    3:lg10Flux    4:PhoIndx1    6:PhoIndx2
231.336      0.032211     -3      -7.82041       2.19156       2.47344
 Variances and Principal Axes
                 3        4        6
 1.0359E-06|  0.9990  -0.0435  -0.0093
 2.1153E-05| -0.0440  -0.9969  -0.0657
 1.1918E-03|  0.0064  -0.0660   0.9978

  Covariance Matrix
        1           2           3
   1.124e-06   3.785e-07   7.669e-06
   3.785e-07   2.621e-05  -7.710e-05
   7.669e-06  -7.710e-05   1.187e-03

Model cflux<1>*bknpower<2> Source No.: 1   Active/On
Model Model Component  Parameter  Unit     Value
 par  comp
   1    1   cflux      Emin       keV      20.0000      frozen
   2    1   cflux      Emax       keV      80.0000      frozen
   3    1   cflux      lg10Flux   cgs      -7.82041     +/-  1.06002E-03
   4    2   bknpower   PhoIndx1            2.19156      +/-  5.11997E-03
   5    2   bknpower   BreakE     keV      100.000      frozen
   6    2   bknpower   PhoIndx2            2.47344      +/-  3.44484E-02
   7    2   bknpower   norm                1.00000      frozen

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                  231.34     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                  231.34     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 1.77e-25 with 49 degrees of freedom
*** Parameter 1 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
*** Parameter 2 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
*** Parameter 5 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
*** Parameter 7 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
 Parameter   Confidence Range (1)
     3     -7.82148     -7.81935    (-0.00106875,0.00106364)
     4      2.18645      2.19668    (-0.00511457,0.00511685)
     6      2.43891      2.50843    (-0.0345338,0.034985)
ISGRI ignore: **-20.00,500.-**

Model cflux<1>*bknpower<2> Source No.: 1   Active/Off
lg10Flux Model Model Component  Parameter  Unit     Value
 par  comp
   1    1   cflux      Emin       keV      0.500000     frozen
   2    1   cflux      Emax       keV      10.0000      frozen
   3    1   cflux      lg10Flux   cgs      -12.0000     +/-  0.0
   4    2   bknpower   PhoIndx1            1.00000      +/-  0.0
   5    2   bknpower   BreakE     keV      5.00000      +/-  0.0
   6    2   bknpower   PhoIndx2            2.00000      +/-  0.0
   7    2   bknpower   norm                1.00000      +/-  0.0

Warning: RMF CHANTYPE keyword (PHA) is not consistent with that from spectrum (PI)

1 spectrum  in use

Spectral Data File: Crab_2006_spectrum.fits  Spectrum 1
Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1  -nan      +/- -nan
 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1
  Noticed Channels:  1-62
  Telescope: INTEGRAL Instrument: IBIS  Channel Type: PI
  Exposure Time-7.83 False False
PhoIndx1 2.08 False False
PhoIndx2 2.26 False : 1.455e+04 sec
 Using fit statistic: chi
 Using Response (RMF) File            Crab_2006_rmf.fits.gz for Source 1
 Using Auxiliary Response (ARF) File  Crab_2006_arf.fits.gz

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 62 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 62 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

ignore:     1 channels ignored from  source number 1
Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 61 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 61 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

     2 channels (61-62) ignored in spectrum #     1

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 59 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 59 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

     8 channels (1-8) ignored in spectrum #     1
     2 channels (61-62) ignored in spectrum #     1

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52False

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                    -nan     using 52 bins.
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                17003.74     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                17003.74     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 47 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                17003.74     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                17003.74     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 48 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                17003.74     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                17003.74     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 48 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                18020.00     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                18020.00     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 48 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                17244.66     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                17244.66     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 0.00e+00 with 49 degrees of freedom
 Current data and model not fit yet.
 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow  renormalization
Chi-Squared  |beta|/N    Lvl    3:lg10Flux    4:PhoIndx1    6:PhoIndx2
1260.99      28621.1      -3      -7.79884       2.11203       2.26811
PGPLOT /png: writing new file as pgplot.png_2
   11903.5      -4      -7.83229       2.07958       2.25587
29.9577      473.3        -5      -7.83386       2.07700       2.25598
29.9576      3.49072      -6      -7.83387       2.07699       2.25598
 Variances and Principal Axes
                 3        4        6
 1.0804E-06|  0.9998  -0.0198  -0.0083
 2.2834E-05|  0.0202   0.9978   0.0633
 1.3097E-03| -0.0070   0.0635  -0.9980

  Covariance Matrix
        1           2           3
   1.154e-06  -1.446e-07   9.210e-06
  -1.446e-07   2.801e-05  -8.153e-05
   9.210e-06  -8.153e-05   1.304e-03

Model cflux<1>*bknpower<2> Source No.: 1   Active/On
Model Model Component  Parameter  Unit     Value
 par  comp
   1    1   cflux      Emin       keV      20.0000      frozen
   2    1   cflux      Emax       keV      80.0000      frozen
   3    1   cflux      lg10Flux   cgs      -7.83387     +/-  1.07426E-03
   4    2   bknpower   PhoIndx1            2.07699      +/-  5.29259E-03
   5    2   bknpower   BreakE     keV      100.000      frozen
   6    2   bknpower   PhoIndx2            2.25598      +/-  3.61174E-02
   7    2   bknpower   norm                1.00000      frozen

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                   29.96     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                   29.96     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 9.85e-01 with 49 degrees of freedom
  parameter 5 is already frozen.
 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow  renormalization
Chi-Squared  |beta|/N    Lvl    3:lg10Flux    4:PhoIndx1    6:PhoIndx2
29.9576      0.0191331    -3      -7.83387       2.07699       2.25598
 Variances and Principal Axes
                 3        4        6
 1.0805E-06|  0.9998  -0.0198  -0.0083
 2.2835E-05|  0.0202   0.9978   0.0633
 1.3098E-03| -0.0070   0.0635  -0.9980

  Covariance Matrix
        1           2           3
   1.154e-06  -1.446e-07   9.210e-06
  -1.446e-07   2.801e-05  -8.153e-05
   9.210e-06  -8.153e-05   1.305e-03

Model cflux<1>*bknpower<2> Source No.: 1   Active/On
Model Model Component  Parameter  Unit     Value
 par  comp
   1    1   cflux      Emin       keV      20.0000      frozen
   2    1   cflux      Emax       keV      80.0000      frozen
   3    1   cflux      lg10Flux   cgs      -7.83387     +/-  1.07429E-03
   4    2   bknpower   PhoIndx1            2.07699      +/-  5.29272E-03
   5    2   bknpower   BreakE     keV      100.000      frozen
   6    2   bknpower   PhoIndx2            2.25598      +/-  3.61181E-02
   7    2   bknpower   norm                1.00000      frozen

Fit statistic  : Chi-Squared                   29.96     using 52 bins.

Test statistic : Chi-Squared                   29.96     using 52 bins.
 Null hypothesis probability of 9.85e-01 with 49 degrees of freedom
*** Parameter 1 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
*** Parameter 2 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
*** Parameter 5 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
*** Parameter 7 is not a variable model parameter and no confidence range will be calculated.
 Parameter   Confidence Range (1)
     3     -7.83496      -7.8328    (-0.00108288,0.00107766)
     4       2.0717      2.08229    (-0.00529128,0.00529666)
     6      2.22004      2.29245    (-0.0359406,0.0364654)