In this example we select a list of science window and submit it to ODA to obtain an image#

# with no surprise, we do it for the Crab

Astroquery can be used to retrieve the list#

we build a convenience function

#Example of functions to select a science window list
import time

import astroquery.heasarc
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u

Heasarc = astroquery.heasarc.Heasarc()

def get_scw_list(ra_obj, dec_obj,radius,start_date,end_date ):
    R = Heasarc.query_region(
            position = SkyCoord(ra_obj, dec_obj, unit='deg'),
            radius = f"{radius} deg",
            mission = 'intscw',
            time = start_date + " .. " + end_date,
            good_isgri = ">1000",


    return R['SCW_ID'], R['SCW_VER']

assert astroquery.__version__ >= '0.4.2.dev6611'

# it means it's our fork
assert 'isdc' in astroquery.heasarc.Conf.server.cfgtype
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
from astropy import coordinates as coord

import json

import os
import shutil
import random

from import fits

from scipy import stats
result_table = Simbad.query_object(source_name)
source_coord = coord.SkyCoord(result_table['RA'][0], result_table['DEC'][0], unit=("hourangle", "deg"))
  • We get science windows within 10 degrees from the Crab position

  • between the given dates expressed in the ISOT format

scwlist,version = get_scw_list(ra,dec, 10, '2020-01-01T00:00:00', '2020-06-01T00:00:00')
WARNING: InputWarning: Coordinate string is being interpreted as an ICRS coordinate provided in degrees. [astroquery.utils.commons]
  • We pick at random nscw = 10 science window from the list (this is as ODA backend does)


nscw = 10 if len(scwlist) == 0: raise Exception('No science windows') scw_pick = [(s+"."+v).strip() for s,v in zip(scwlist,version)] if nscw >0 and len(scw_pick)>=nscw: random.seed(0) scw_pick = random.sample(scw_pick, nscw) scw_pick = sorted(scw_pick)
  • Token for a given user

#You can provide a valid token as explained in the 'Authentication' example or skip this cell
import getpass
token = getpass.getpass('Insert the token')
Insert the token········

Let’s get some logging#

This is to help visualizing the progress.

  • WANRING is the default level

  • INFO writes some more information

  • DEBUG is maily for developers and issue tracking

import logging
#slightly more verbose
#all messages

from oda_api.api import DispatcherAPI

disp = DispatcherAPI(url="", instrument="mock")

par_dict = {
"E1_keV": "28",
"E2_keV": "40",
"detection_threshold": "7",
"instrument": "isgri",
"osa_version": "OSA11.1",
"product": "isgri_image",
"product_type": "Real",
"scw_list": scw_pick,
"integral_data_rights": "all-private"

if token != '':
    par_dict.update({'token': token})

data_collection = disp.get_product(**par_dict)
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-09-01 15:21:46), please wait for
session: N6ISIGQ8JTGEV49G job: e7846e3a8d133d9c

... query status prepared => submitted
... assigned job id: e7846e3a8d133d9c
 | the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=e7846e3a in 0 messages since 8 seconds (8.7/8.7); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-09-01 15:21:56), please wait for
session: N6ISIGQ8JTGEV49G job: e7846e3a8d133d9c
 / the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=e7846e3a in 0 messages since 17 seconds (8/8.7); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-09-01 15:22:04), please wait for
session: N6ISIGQ8JTGEV49G job: e7846e3a8d133d9c
 - the job is working remotely, please wait status=submitted job_id=e7846e3a in 0 messages since 25 seconds (7.9/8.7); in 0 SCW so far; nodes (0): 0 computed 0 restored
- waiting for remote response (since 2021-09-01 15:22:13), please wait for
session: N6ISIGQ8JTGEV49G job: e7846e3a8d133d9c

... query status submitted => done
query complete: terminating
name: mosaic_image
meta_data dict_keys(['product', 'instrument', 'src_name', 'query_parameters'])
number of data units 6
data uniti 0 ,name: PRIMARY
data uniti 1 ,name: GROUPING
data uniti 2 ,name: ISGR-MOSA-IMA
data uniti 3 ,name: ISGR-MOSA-IMA
data uniti 4 ,name: ISGR-MOSA-IMA
data uniti 5 ,name: ISGR-MOSA-IMA
product : mosaic
instrument : isgri
src_name :
query_parameters : [{"query_name": "isgri_image_query"}, {"product_name": "isgri_image_query"}, {"name": "detection_threshold", "units": "sigma", "value": "7"}, {"name": "image_scale_min", "units": None, "value": None}, {"name": "image_scale_max", "units": None, "value": None}]
from oda_api.plot_tools import OdaImage
%matplotlib inline
