Source code for oda_api.api

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from collections import OrderedDict
import gzip
import hashlib
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
import pathlib

import rdflib
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError 

# NOTE gw is optional for now
    import gwpy
    from gwpy.timeseries.timeseries import TimeSeries
    from gwpy.spectrogram import Spectrogram
except ModuleNotFoundError:

from .data_products import (NumpyDataProduct, 
from oda_api.token import TokenLocation

from builtins import (bytes, str, open, super, range,
                      zip, round, input, int, pow, object, map, zip)

__author__ = "Andrea Tramacere, Volodymyr Savchenko"

import warnings
import requests
import ast
import json
import re

    # compatibility in some remaining environments
    import simplejson  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    import json as simplejson  # type: ignore

import random
import string
import time
import os
import inspect
import sys
from import ascii
import copy
import pickle
from . import __version__
from . import custom_formatters
from . import colors as C
from itertools import cycle
import numpy as np
import traceback
from jsonschema import validate as validate_json
from typing import Union, Tuple

import oda_api.token
import oda_api.misc_helpers

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("oda_api.api")
advice_logger = logging.getLogger("oda_api.advice")

__all__ = ['Request', 'NoTraceBackWithLineNumber',
           'NoTraceBackWithLineNumber', 'RemoteException', 'DispatcherAPI']

[docs] class Request(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] class NoTraceBackWithLineNumber(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): try: ln = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno except AttributeError: ln = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno self.args = "{0.__name__} (line {1}): {2}".format(type(self), ln, msg),
# sys.exit(self) class UserError(Exception): pass
[docs] class RemoteException(NoTraceBackWithLineNumber): def __init__(self, message='Remote analysis exception', debug_message=''): super(RemoteException, self).__init__(message) self.message = message self.debug_message = debug_message def __repr__(self): return f"RemoteException: {self.message}, {self.debug_message}"
class FailedToFindAnyUsefulResults(RemoteException): pass class UnexpectedDispatcherStatusCode(RemoteException): pass class DispatcherNotAvailable(RemoteException): pass class RequestNotUnderstood(Exception): def __init__(self, details_json) -> None: self.details_json = details_json def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"[ RequestNotUnderstood: {self.details_json['error']} ]" def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self) class Unauthorized(RemoteException): pass class URLRedirected(Exception): pass class DispatcherException(Exception): def __init__(self, response_json) -> None: self.response_json = response_json def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"[ {self.__class__.__name__}: {self.response_json.get('error_message', '[no error message reported]')} ]" exception_by_message = { 'failed: get dataserver products ': FailedToFindAnyUsefulResults } def safe_run(func): def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): logger = logging.getLogger("oda_api.api." + func.__name__) self = args[0] # because it really is n_tries_left = self.n_max_tries retry_sleep_s = self.retry_sleep_s t0 = time.time() while True: try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except UserError as e: logger.exception("probably an unfortunate user input: %s", e) raise except (Unauthorized, RequestNotUnderstood, UnexpectedDispatcherStatusCode) as e: logger.exception("something went quite wrong, and we think it's not likely to recover on its own: %s", e) raise except (ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout, DispatcherNotAvailable) as e: # TODO: these are probably all server or access errors, # TODO: and they may need to be communicated back to server (if possible) message = '' message += '\nunable to complete API call' message += '\nin ' + str(func) + ' called with:' message += '\n... ' + ", ".join([str(arg) for arg in args]) message += '\n... ' + \ ", ".join([k + ": " + str(v) for k, v in kwargs]) message += '\npossible causes:' message += '\n- connection error' message += '\n- error on the remote server' message += '\n exception message: ' message += '\n\n%s\n' % e message += traceback.format_exc() n_tries_left -= 1 if n_tries_left > 0: logger.debug("problem in API call, %i tries left:\n%s\n sleeping %i seconds until retry", n_tries_left, message, retry_sleep_s) logger.warning( "possibly temporary problem in calling server: %s in %.1f seconds, %i tries left, sleeping %i seconds until retry", repr(e), time.time() - t0, n_tries_left, retry_sleep_s) time.sleep(retry_sleep_s) else: raise RemoteException( message=message ) return func_wrapper
[docs] class DispatcherAPI: # allowing token discovery by default changes the user interface in some cases, # but in desirable way token_discovery_methods = None use_local_cache = False _known_sites_dict = None @property def known_sites_dict(self): if self._known_sites_dict is None: self._known_sites_dict = {} G = rdflib.Graph() G.parse("") for site, url in G.subject_objects(rdflib.URIRef("")): self._known_sites_dict[site.split("#")[1]] = str(url) for alias in G.objects(site, rdflib.URIRef("")): self._known_sites_dict[str(alias)] = str(url) return self._known_sites_dict def setup_loggers(self): self.logger = logger.getChild(self.__class__.__name__.lower()) self.progress_logger = self.logger.getChild("progress") def __init__(self, instrument='mock', url=None, run_analysis_handle='run_analysis', host=None, port=None, cookies=None, protocol="https", wait=True, n_max_tries=200, session_id=None, use_local_cache=False, token=None ): self.setup_loggers() if url is None: if 'unige-production' not in self.known_sites_dict: url = "" else: url = self.known_sites_dict['unige-production'] else: if not url.startswith("http://") and not url.startswith("https://"):'url %s is not of http(s) schema, trying to interpretting url as an alias', url) if url in self.known_sites_dict:'url %s interpretted an alias for %s', url, self.known_sites_dict[url]) url = self.known_sites_dict[url] else: logger.debug(f'url %s does not match http(s) schema and is not one of the aliases (%s)', url, list(self.known_sites_dict)) if host is not None: msg = '\n' msg += '----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' msg += 'support for the parameter host will end soon \n' msg += 'please use "url" instead of "host" while providing dispatcher URL \n' msg += '----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) self.url = host # TODO: disregard this, but leave parameter for compatibility if host.startswith('http'): self.url = host else: if protocol != 'http' and protocol != 'https': raise UserError('protocol must be either http or https') else: self.url = protocol + "://" + host else: if not oda_api.misc_helpers.validate_url(url): raise UserError(f'{url} is not a valid url. \n' 'A valid url should be like ``, ' 'you might verify if, for example, a valid schema is provided, ' 'i.e. url should start with http:// or https:// .\n' 'Please check it and try to issue again the request') self.url = url if session_id is not None: self._session_id = session_id self.token = token if token is not None else self.get_token_from_environment() self._carriage_return_progress = False self.run_analysis_handle = run_analysis_handle self.wait = wait self.strict_parameter_check = False self.cookies = cookies self.set_instr(instrument) self.n_max_tries = n_max_tries self.retry_sleep_s = 10. if port is not None: self.logger.warning( "please use 'url' to specify entire URL, no need to provide port separately") self._progress_iter = cycle(['|', '/', '-', '\\']) self.use_local_cache = use_local_cache # TODO this should really be just swagger/bravado; or at least derived from resources self.dispatcher_response_schema = { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'exit_status': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'status': {'type': 'number'}, }, }, 'query_status': {'type': 'string'}, 'job_monitor': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'job_id': {'type': 'string'}, }, }, } } def inspect_state(self, job_id=None, group_by_job=False): params = dict(token=oda_api.token.discover_token(), group_by_job=group_by_job) if job_id is not None: params['job_id'] = job_id r = requests.get(self.url + "/inspect-state", params=params) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() else: raise RuntimeError(r.text) def refresh_token(self, token_to_refresh=None, write_token=False, token_write_methods: Union[Tuple[TokenLocation, ...], TokenLocation] = (TokenLocation.ODA_ENV_VAR, TokenLocation.FILE_CUR_DIR), discard_discovered_token=False): if token_to_refresh is None: token_to_refresh = oda_api.token.discover_token() if token_to_refresh is not None and token_to_refresh != '': params = dict(token=token_to_refresh, query_status='new') r = requests.get(os.path.join(self.url, 'refresh_token'), params=params) if r.status_code == 200: refreshed_token = r.text if write_token: oda_api.token.rewrite_token(refreshed_token, old_token=token_to_refresh, token_write_methods=token_write_methods, discard_discovered_token=discard_discovered_token) return refreshed_token else: raise RuntimeError(r.text) else: raise RuntimeError("unable to refresh the token with any known method") def set_custom_progress_formatter(self, F): self.custom_progress_formatter = F
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_envs(cls): cookies_path = os.environ.get('ODA_API_TOKEN') cookies = dict(_oauth2_proxy=open(cookies_path).read().strip()) host_url = os.environ.get('DISP_URL') return cls(host=host_url, instrument='mock', cookies=cookies, protocol='http')
[docs] def generate_session_id(self, size=16): chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
@classmethod def calculate_param_dict_id(cls, par_dict: dict): ordered_par_dic = OrderedDict({ k: par_dict[k] for k in sorted(par_dict.keys()) if par_dict[k] is not None }) return oda_api.misc_helpers.make_hash(ordered_par_dic) @property def session_id(self): if not hasattr(self, '_session_id'): self._session_id = self.generate_session_id() return self._session_id
[docs] def set_instr(self, instrument): self.instrument = instrument self.custom_progress_formatter = custom_formatters.find_custom_formatter( instrument)
def _progress_bar(self, info=''): if self._carriage_return_progress: c_r = '\x1b[80D' + '\x1b[K' # TODO: this does not really work now else: c_r = '' f"{c_r}{C.GREY}\r {next(self._progress_iter)} the job is working remotely, please wait {info}{C.NC}") def format_custom_progress(self, full_report_dict_list): F = getattr(self, 'custom_progress_formatter', None) if F is not None: return F(full_report_dict_list) return "" def note_request_time(self): self.request_stats = getattr(self, 'request_stats', []) self.request_stats.append( self.last_request_t_complete - self.last_request_t0) @property def preferred_request_method(self): return getattr(self, '_preferred_request_method', 'GET') @preferred_request_method.setter def preferred_request_method(self, v): allowed_request_methods = ['POST', 'GET'] if v in allowed_request_methods: self._preferred_request_method = v else: raise RuntimeError(f'unable to set preferred request method to {v}, allowed {allowed_request_methods}') @property def selected_request_method(self): if self.parameters_dict_payload is not None: request_size = len(json.dumps(self.parameters_dict_payload)) max_get_method_size = getattr(self, 'max_get_method_size', 1000) self.logger.debug('payload size %s, max for GET is %s', request_size, max_get_method_size) if request_size > max_get_method_size: self.logger.debug( 'switching to POST request due to large payload: %s > %s', request_size, max_get_method_size) return 'POST' return self.preferred_request_method def request_to_json(self, verbose=False): if self.use_local_cache: try: return self.load_result() except Exception as e: logger.debug('unable to load result from %s: will need to compute', self.unique_response_json_fn) f'- waiting for remote response (since {time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}), please wait for {self.url}/{self.run_analysis_handle}') try: timeout = getattr(self, 'timeout', 120) self.last_request_t0 = time.time() url = "%s/%s" % (self.url, self.run_analysis_handle) if self.selected_request_method == 'GET': response = requests.get( url, params=self.parameters_dict_payload, cookies=self.cookies, headers={ 'Request-Timeout': str(timeout), 'Connection-Timeout': str(timeout), }, timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=False ) elif self.selected_request_method == 'POST': response = url, data=self.parameters_dict_payload, cookies=self.cookies, headers={ 'Request-Timeout': str(timeout), 'Connection-Timeout': str(timeout), }, timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=False ) else: NotImplementedError if response.status_code in (301, 302): # we can not automatically redirect with POST due to unexpected behavior of requests module # there is a very strange and mysterious story about this: # * # * # to avoid confusion, we will instruct the user to change the code: raise URLRedirected(f"the service was moved{' permanently' if response.status_code == 301 else ''}, " f"please reinitialize DispatcherAPI with \"{response.headers['Location']}\" (you asked for \"{url}\")") if response.status_code == 403: try: response_json = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: raise Unauthorized(f"undecodable: {response.text}") try: raise Unauthorized(response_json['exit_status']['message']) except KeyError: raise Unauthorized(response_json['error']) if response.status_code == 400: raise RequestNotUnderstood( response.json()) if response.status_code in [502, 503, 504]: raise DispatcherNotAvailable() if response.status_code == 500: try: raise DispatcherException(response.json()) except simplejson.JSONDecodeError: raise DispatcherException({'error_message': response.text}) if response.status_code != 200: raise UnexpectedDispatcherStatusCode( f"status: {response.status_code}, raw: {response.text}") self.last_request_t_complete = time.time() self.note_request_time() response_json = self._decode_res_json(response) validate_json(response_json, self.dispatcher_response_schema) self.returned_analysis_parameters = response_json['products'].get('analysis_parameters', None) if self.use_local_cache and response_json.get('query_status') in ['done', 'failed']: self.save_result(response_json) return response_json except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: self.logger.error( f"{C.RED}{C.BOLD}unable to decode json from response:{C.NC}") self.logger.error(f"{C.RED}{response.text}{C.NC}") raise def returned_analysis_parameters_consistency(self): mismatching_parameters = [] for k in self.parameters_dict.keys(): # these do not correspond to meaning ''' The dry_run parameter is not actually considered within the oda_api, but we keep it here for consistency. As discussed in: * * ''' if k in ['query_status', 'off_line', 'verbose', 'dry_run']: continue returned = self.returned_analysis_parameters.get(k, None) requested = self.parameters_dict.get(k, None) if str(returned) != str(requested): mismatching_parameters.append(f"{k}: returned {returned} != requested {requested}") if mismatching_parameters != []: raise RuntimeError(f"dispatcher return different parameters: {'; '.join(mismatching_parameters)}") @property def parameters_dict(self): """ as provided in request, not modified by state changes """ return getattr(self, '_parameters_dict', None) @parameters_dict.setter def parameters_dict(self, value): self._parameters_dict = value self.query_status = 'prepared' @property def parameters_dict_payload(self): if self.parameters_dict is None: return None p = { **self.parameters_dict, 'api': 'True', 'oda_api_version': __version__, } for k, v in p.items(): if isinstance(v, (list, dict, set)) and (k not in ['catalog_selected_objects', 'selected_catalog', 'scw_list']): p[k] = json.dumps(v) if self.is_submitted: return { **p, 'job_id': self.job_id, 'query_status': self.query_status, } else: return p @parameters_dict_payload.setter def parameters_dict_payload(self, value): raise UserError( "please set parameters_dict and not parameters_dict_payload") @property def job_id(self): return getattr(self, '_job_id', None) @job_id.setter def job_id(self, new_job_id): self._job_id = new_job_id @property def query_status(self): return getattr(self, '_query_status', 'not-prepared') @query_status.setter def query_status(self, new_status): possible_status = [ "not-prepared", "prepared", "submitted", "progress", "done", "ready", "failed", ] if new_status in possible_status: self._query_status = new_status else: raise RuntimeError( f"unable to set status to {new_status}, possible values are {possible_status}") @property def is_submitted(self): return self.query_status not in ['prepared', 'not-prepared'] @property def is_prepared(self): return self.query_status not in ['not-prepared'] @property def is_done(self): return self.query_status in ['done'] @property def is_complete(self): return self.query_status in ['done', 'failed'] @property def is_failed(self): return self.query_status in ['failed'] @safe_run def poll(self, verbose=None, silent=None): """ Updates status of query at the remote server Relies on self.parameters_dict to set parameters for request Relies on self.query_status and self.job_id, which is created as necessary and submitted in paylad """ if verbose is not None or silent is not None: self.logger.warning( "please set verbosity with standard python \"logging\" module") self.logger.warning("these option will be removed in the future") if verbose: if silent: self.logger.error( "can not be verbose and silent at once! ignoring verbose and silent options") else: self.logger.warning( "legacy verbose option: setting oda_api logging level to DEBUG and one stream handler") logging.getLogger('oda_api').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('oda_api').addHandler( logging.StreamHandler()) else: if silent: self.logger.warning( "legacy silent option, no special logging config - silent by default") else: self.logger.warning( "legacy verbose but not silet option: setting oda_api logging level to INFO and one stream handler") logging.getLogger('oda_api').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('oda_api').addHandler( logging.StreamHandler()) if not self.is_prepared: raise UserError( f"can not poll query before parameters are set with {self}.request") # > self.response_json = self.request_to_json() # <"session: %s job: %s", self.response_json['job_monitor']['session_id'], self.response_json['job_monitor']['job_id']) if 'query_status' not in self.response_json: logger.error(json.dumps(self.response_json, indent=4)) raise RuntimeError( f"request json does not contain query_status: {self.response_json}") if self.response_json.get('query_status') != self.query_status: f"\n... query status {C.PURPLE}{self.query_status}{C.NC} => {C.PURPLE}{self.response_json.get('query_status')}{C.NC}") self.query_status = self.response_json.get('query_status') returned_job_id = self.response_json['job_monitor']['job_id'] if self.job_id is None: self.job_id = returned_job_id f"... assigned job id: {C.BROWN}{self.job_id}{C.NC}") else: if self.response_json['query_status'] != self.query_status: raise RuntimeError( f"request returns query_status {self.response_json['query_status']} != recorded query_status {self.query_status}" f"this should not happen! Server must be misbehaving, or client forgot correct query_status") if self.job_id != returned_job_id: raise RuntimeError(f"request returns job_id {returned_job_id} != recorded job_id {self.job_id}" f"this should not happen! Server must be misbehaving, or client forgot correct job id") if self.query_status == 'done': f"\033[32mquery COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY (state {self.query_status})\033[0m") elif self.query_status == 'failed': f"\033[31mquery COMPLETED with FAILURE (state {self.query_status})\033[0m") else: self.show_progress() if self.is_complete: # TODO: something raising here does not help self.logger.debug("poll returing data: complete") return DataCollection.from_response_json(self.response_json, self.instrument, self.product) def show_progress(self): full_report_dict_list = self.response_json['job_monitor'].get( 'full_report_dict_list', []) info = 'status=%s job_id=%s in %d messages since %d seconds (%.2g/%.2g)' % ( self.query_status, str(self.job_id)[:8], len(full_report_dict_list), time.time() - self.t0, np.mean(self.request_stats), np.max(self.request_stats), ) custom_info = self.format_custom_progress(full_report_dict_list) if custom_info != "": info += "; " + custom_info self._progress_bar(info=info) def print_parameters(self): for k, v in self.parameters_dict.items():"- {C.BLUE}{k}: {v}{C.NC}")
[docs] @safe_run def request(self, parameters_dict, handle=None, url=None, wait=None, quiet=True): """ sets request parameters, optionally polls them in a loop """ if wait is not None: self.logger.warning("overriding wait mode from request") self.wait = wait if url is not None: self.logger.warning("overriding dispatcher URL from request!") self.url = url if handle is not None: self.logger.warning( "overriding dispatcher handle from request not allowed, ignored!") self.parameters_dict = parameters_dict if 'scw_list' in self.parameters_dict.keys(): self.logger.debug(self.parameters_dict['scw_list']) self.set_instr(self.parameters_dict.get('instrument', self.instrument)) if not quiet: self.print_parameters() self.t0 = time.time() while True: self.poll() if not self.wait:"non-waiting dispatcher: terminating") return if self.is_complete:"query complete: terminating") return time.sleep(1)
def process_failure(self): if self.response_json['exit_status']['status'] != 0: self.failure_report(self.response_json) if self.query_status != 'failed': self.logger('query done succesfully!') else: logger.error("exception, message: \"%s\"", self.response_json['exit_status']['message']) logger.error("have exception message: keys \"%s\"", exception_by_message.keys()) raise exception_by_message.get(self.response_json['exit_status']['message'], RemoteException)( message=self.response_json['exit_status']['message'], debug_message=self.response_json['exit_status']['error_message'] )
[docs] def failure_report(self, res_json): self.logger.error('query failed!') self.logger.error('Remote server message:-> %s', res_json['exit_status']['message']) self.logger.error('Remote server error_message-> %s', res_json['exit_status']['error_message']) self.logger.error('Remote server debug_message-> %s', res_json['exit_status']['debug_message'])
def show_status_comments(self, res_json): if res_json['exit_status']['comment']: print(res_json['exit_status']['comment']) # TODO: warning field is not currently consistently used # could be enabled in the future (add test then!) # if res_json['exit_status']['warning']: # self.logger.warning(res_json['exit_status']['warning'])
[docs] def dig_list(self, b, only_prod=False): if isinstance(b, (set, tuple, list)): for c in b: self.dig_list(c) else: try: original_b = b b = ast.literal_eval(str(b)) # uh except Exception as e: logger.debug( "dig_list unable to literal_eval %s; problem %s", b, e) return str(b) if isinstance(b, dict): _s = '' for k, v in b.items(): if 'query_name' == k or 'instrument' == k and only_prod == False:'')'--------------') _s += '%s' % k + ': ' + v if 'product_name' == k: _s += ' %s' % k + ': ' + v for k in ['name', 'value', 'units']: if k in b.keys(): _s += ' %s' % k + ': ' if b[k] is not None: _s += '%s,' % str(b[k]) else: _s += 'None,' _s += ' ' if _s != '': else: self.logger.debug( 'unable to dig list, instance not a dict by %s; object was %s', type(b), b) if original_b != b: self.dig_list(b)
@safe_run def _decode_res_json(self, res): try: if hasattr(res, 'content'): # _js = json.loads(res.content) # fixed issue with python 3.5 _js = res.json() res = ast.literal_eval(str(_js).replace('null', 'None')) else: res = ast.literal_eval(str(res).replace('null', 'None')) self.dig_list(res) return res except Exception as e: msg = 'remote/connection error, server response is not valid \n' msg += f'exception: {e}' msg += 'possible causes: \n' msg += '- connection error\n' msg += '- wrong credentials\n' msg += '- wrong remote address\n' msg += '- error on the remote server\n' msg += "--------------------------------------------------------------\n" if hasattr(res, 'status_code'): msg += '--- status code:-> %s\n' % res.status_code if hasattr(res, 'text'): msg += '--- response text ---\n %s\n' % res.text if hasattr(res, 'content'): msg += '--- res content ---\n %s\n' % res.content msg += "--------------------------------------------------------------" raise RemoteException(message=msg) def get_token_from_environment(self): token = oda_api.token.discover_token(self.token_discovery_methods) if token is not None:"discovered token in environment") return token
[docs] @safe_run def get_instrument_description(self, instrument=None): if instrument is None: instrument = self.instrument res = requests.get("%s/api/meta-data" % self.url, params=dict(instrument=instrument, token=self.token), cookies=self.cookies) if res.status_code != 200: raise UnexpectedDispatcherStatusCode( f"status: {res.status_code}, raw: {res.text}") return self._decode_res_json(res)
[docs] @safe_run def get_product_description(self, instrument, product_name): res = requests.get("%s/api/meta-data" % self.url, params=dict( instrument=instrument, product_type=product_name, token=self.token), cookies=self.cookies) if res.status_code != 200: raise UnexpectedDispatcherStatusCode( f"status: {res.status_code}, raw: {res.text}")'--------------') 'parameters for product %s and instrument %s', product_name, instrument) return self._decode_res_json(res)
[docs] @safe_run def get_instruments_list(self): res = requests.get("%s/api/instr-list" % self.url, params=dict(instrument=self.instrument, token=self.token), cookies=self.cookies) if res.status_code != 200: raise UnexpectedDispatcherStatusCode( f"status: {res.status_code}, raw: {res.text}") return self._decode_res_json(res)
def report_last_request(self): f"{C.GREY}last request completed in {self.last_request_t_complete - self.last_request_t0} seconds{C.NC}")
[docs] def get_product(self, product: str, instrument: str, verbose=None, product_type: str = 'Real', silent=False, **kwargs): """ submit query, wait (if allowed by self.wait), decode output when found """ if not silent: advice_logger.warning('please beware that by default, in a typical setup, oda_api will not output much. ' 'To learn how to increase the verbosity, please refer to the documentation: ' '\'s-get-some-logging . \n' 'To disable this message you can pass `.get_product(..., silent=True)`' ) self.job_id = None # TODO: it's confusing when and where these are passed self.product = product self.instrument = instrument kwargs['instrument'] = instrument kwargs['product_type'] = product kwargs['query_type'] = product_type kwargs['off_line'] = False, kwargs['query_status'] = 'new', kwargs['verbose'] = verbose, kwargs['session_id'] = self.session_id if 'dry_run' in kwargs: warnings.warn('The dry_run parameter you included is not going to have any effect on the execution.\n' 'However the oda_api will perform a check of the list of valid parameters for your request.') del kwargs['dry_run'] res = requests.get("%s/api/par-names" % self.url, params=dict( instrument=instrument, product_type=product), cookies=self.cookies) if res.status_code != 200: warnings.warn( 'parameter check not available on remote server, check carefully parameters name') else: _ignore_list = ['instrument', 'product_type', 'query_type', 'off_line', 'query_status', 'verbose', 'session_id'] validation_dict = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) for _i in _ignore_list: del validation_dict[_i] valid_names = self._decode_res_json(res) for n in validation_dict.keys(): if n not in valid_names: if self.strict_parameter_check: raise UserError(f'the parameter: {n} is not among the valid ones: {valid_names}' f'(you can set {self}.strict_parameter_check=False, but beware!') else: msg = '\n' msg += '----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' msg += 'the parameter: %s ' % n msg += ' is not among valid ones:' msg += '\n' msg += '%s' % valid_names msg += '\n' # msg += 'this will throw an error in a future version \n' # msg += 'and might break the current request!\n ' msg += '----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' warnings.warn(msg) if kwargs.get('token', None) is None and self.token_discovery_methods is not None: discovered_token = oda_api.token.discover_token(self.token_discovery_methods) if discovered_token is not None:"discovered token in environment") kwargs['token'] = discovered_token # > self.request(kwargs) if self.is_failed: return self.process_failure() elif self.is_done: res_json = self.response_json elif not self.is_complete: if self.wait: raise RuntimeError( "should have waited, but did not - programming error!") else: f"\n{C.BROWN}query not complete, please poll again later{C.NC}") return else: raise RuntimeError( "not failed, not, but complete? programming error for client!") self.show_status_comments(res_json) d = DataCollection.from_response_json( res_json, instrument, product) del (res) return d
@staticmethod def set_api_code(query_dict, url=""): query_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(query_dict.items())) _skip_list_ = ['job_id', 'query_status', 'session_id', 'use_resolver[local]', 'use_scws'] _alias_dict = {} _alias_dict['product_type'] = 'product' _alias_dict['query_type'] = 'product_type' _header = f'''from oda_api.api import DispatcherAPI disp=DispatcherAPI(url='{url}', instrument='mock')''' _api_dict = {} for k in query_dict.keys(): if k not in _skip_list_: if k in _alias_dict.keys(): n = _alias_dict[k] else: n = k if query_dict[k] is not None: _api_dict[n] = query_dict[k] python_compatible_par_dict_str = json.dumps(_api_dict, indent=4) python_compatible_par_dict_str = python_compatible_par_dict_str.replace('false', 'False') python_compatible_par_dict_str = python_compatible_par_dict_str.replace('true', 'True') _cmd_ = f'''{_header} par_dict={python_compatible_par_dict_str} data_collection = disp.get_product(**par_dict) ''' return _cmd_ def save_result(self, response_json): fn = self.unique_response_json_fn os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fn), exist_ok=True) with, "wt") as f: json.dump(response_json, f)'saved result in %s', fn) def load_result(self): fn = self.unique_response_json_fn'trying to load result from %s', fn) t0 = time.time() with, 'rt') as f: r = json.load(f)'\033[32mmanaged to load result\033[0m from %s in %.2f seconds', fn, time.time() - t0) return r @property def unique_response_json_fn(self): request_hash = oda_api.misc_helpers.make_hash(self.set_api_code(self.parameters_dict)) return pathlib.Path(os.getenv('ODA_CACHE', pathlib.Path(os.getenv('HOME')) / ".cache/oda-api")) / f"cache/oda_api_data_collection_{request_hash}.json.gz" def __repr__(self): return f"[ {self.__class__.__name__}: {self.url} ]"
class DataCollection(object): def __init__(self, data_list, add_meta_to_name=['src_name', 'product'], instrument=None, product=None, request_job_id=None): self._p_list = [] self._n_list = [] self.request_job_id = request_job_id for ID, data in enumerate(data_list): name = '' if hasattr(data, 'name'): name = if name is None or name.strip() == '': if product is not None: name = '%s' % product elif instrument is not None: name = '%s' % instrument else: name = 'prod' name = '%s_%d' % (name, ID) name, var_name = self._build_prod_name( data, name, add_meta_to_name) setattr(self, var_name, data) self._p_list.append(data) self._n_list.append(var_name) def show(self): for ID, prod_name in enumerate(self._n_list): if hasattr(self._p_list[ID], 'meta_data'): meta_data = self._p_list[ID].meta_data else: meta_data = '' print('ID=%s prod_name=%s' % (ID, prod_name), ' meta_data:', meta_data) print() def as_list(self): L = [] for ID, prod_name in enumerate(self._n_list): if hasattr(self._p_list[ID], 'meta_data'): meta_data = self._p_list[ID].meta_data else: meta_data = '' L.append({ 'ID': ID, 'prod_name': prod_name, 'meta_data:': meta_data }) return L def _build_prod_name(self, prod, name, add_meta_to_name): for kw in add_meta_to_name: if hasattr(prod, 'meta_data'): if kw in prod.meta_data: s = prod.meta_data[kw].replace(' ', '') if s.strip() != '': name += '_' + s.strip() return name, oda_api.misc_helpers.clean_var_name(name) def save_all_data(self, prenpend_name=None): for pname, prod in zip(self._n_list, self._p_list): if prenpend_name is not None: file_name = prenpend_name + '_' + pname else: file_name = pname file_name = file_name + '.fits' prod.write_fits_file(file_name) def save(self, file_name): pickle.dump(self, open(file_name, 'wb'), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def new_from_metadata(self, key, val): dc = None _l = [] for p in self._p_list: if p.meta_data[key] == val: _l.append(p) if _l != []: dc = DataCollection(_l) return dc @classmethod def from_response_json(cls, res_json, instrument, product): data = [] if 'numpy_data_product' in res_json['products'].keys(): data.append(NumpyDataProduct.decode( res_json['products']['numpy_data_product'])) elif 'numpy_data_product_list' in res_json['products'].keys(): data.extend([NumpyDataProduct.decode(d) for d in res_json['products']['numpy_data_product_list']]) if 'binary_data_product_list' in res_json['products'].keys(): try: data.extend([BinaryProduct.decode(d) for d in res_json['products']['binary_data_product_list']]) except: data.extend([BinaryData().decode(d) for d in res_json['products']['binary_data_product_list']]) if 'catalog' in res_json['products'].keys(): data.append(ApiCatalog( res_json['products']['catalog'], name='dispatcher_catalog')) if 'astropy_table_product_ascii_list' in res_json['products'].keys(): data.extend([ODAAstropyTable.decode(table_text, use_binary=False) for table_text in res_json['products']['astropy_table_product_ascii_list']]) if 'astropy_table_product_binary_list' in res_json['products'].keys(): data.extend([ODAAstropyTable.decode(table_binary, use_binary=True) for table_binary in res_json['products']['astropy_table_product_binary_list']]) if 'binary_image_product_list' in res_json['products'].keys(): data.extend([PictureProduct.decode(bin_image_data) for bin_image_data in res_json['products']['binary_image_product_list']]) if 'text_product_list' in res_json['products'].keys(): try: data.extend([TextLikeProduct.decode(text_data) for text_data in res_json['products']['text_product_list']]) except (JSONDecodeError, KeyError): data.extend([text_data for text_data in res_json['products']['text_product_list']]) if 'gw_strain_product_list' in res_json['products'].keys(): data.extend([TimeSeries(strain_data['value'], name=strain_data['name'], t0=strain_data['t0'], dt=strain_data['dt']) for strain_data in res_json['products']['gw_strain_product_list']]) if 'gw_spectrogram_product' in res_json['products'].keys(): sgram = res_json['products']['gw_spectrogram_product'] data.append(Spectrogram(sgram['value'], name='Spectrogram', unit='s', t0=sgram['x0'], dt=sgram['dx'], frequencies=sgram['yindex'] ) ) if 'gw_skymap_product' in res_json['products'].keys(): skmap = res_json['products']['gw_skymap_product'] for event in skmap['skymaps'].keys(): data.append(NumpyDataProduct.decode(skmap['skymaps'][event])) if 'contours' in skmap.keys(): data.append(GWContoursDataProduct(skmap['contours'])) if 'job_id' not in res_json['job_monitor']: # TODO use the incident-report endpoint from the dispatcher ( logger.warning(f"job_monitor response json does not contain job_id: {res_json['job_monitor']}") request_job_id = res_json['job_monitor'].get('job_id', None) d = cls(data, instrument=instrument, product=product, request_job_id=request_job_id) for p in d._p_list: if hasattr(p, 'meta_data') is False and hasattr(p, 'meta') is True: p.meta_data = p.meta return d class ProgressReporter(object): """ The class allows to report task progress to end user """ def __init__(self): self._callback = None callback_file = ".oda_api_callback" # perhaps it would be better to define this constant in a common lib if not os.path.isfile(callback_file): return with open(callback_file, 'r') as file: self._callback = @property def enabled(self): return self._callback is not None def report_progress(self, stage: str=None, progress: float=50., progress_max: float=100., substage: str=None, subprogress: float=None, subprogress_max: float=100., message:str=None): """ Report progress via callback URL :param stage: current stage description string :param progress: current stage progress :param progress_max: maximal progress value :param substage: current substage description string :param subprogress: current substage progress :param subprogress_max: maximal substage progress value :param message: message to pass """ callback_payload = dict(stage=stage, progress=progress, progress_max=progress_max, substage=substage, subprogress=subprogress, subprogress_max=subprogress_max, message=message) callback_payload = {k: v for k, v in callback_payload.items() if v is not None} callback_payload['action'] = 'progress' if not self.enabled:'no callback registered, skipping') return'will perform callback: %s', self._callback) if re.match('^file://', self._callback): with open(self._callback.replace('file://', ''), "w") as f: json.dump(callback_payload, f)'stored callback in a file %s', self._callback) elif re.match('^https?://', self._callback): r = requests.get(self._callback, params=callback_payload)'callback %s returns %s : %s', self._callback, r, r.text) else: raise NotImplementedError